Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ohio is the New Connecticut

To me anyway, we drove right through it overnight.  Now I'm sure Ohio has something to offer that is cool, maybe it's the food, the people, whatever. Personally I've always kind of hated Ohio. I'm not ready to part with that feeling so I think we did well to avoid it as much as possible.

They did have nice wide smooth drivin' roads though.  All the better to get the hell out of the state on.

We did use our first truck stop shower in Ohio
 I've used worse

From this stop all the way to Gary, Indiana. It poured.  From the hours of 2:30 am til about 8 am I put on Girl Talk Pandora and without the aid of coffee or cigarettes hauled ass over these lame States of Ohio and Indiana to the fine city of Chicago

Also, some stuff I forgot about Philly.  Lots of cool Sculptures and Murals

 First place I've ever tagged. Thanks Philly
Thanks for this bullshit ticket that ended up costing 36 dollars more

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